The Venue and Plan for the day

In Air The wedding is taking place on the top floor of Mash And Air in Manchester (for how to get there, see the map). Mash and Air have their own brewery on-site, with some rather nice beers, and the top floor is reserved for the Air restaurant, the two floors below being Mash (trendy bars). The food gets pretty good reviews, and as it has a licence for weddings, all the action will be taking place there. The intended timetable is :

3.30 pm Guest arrive, ply them with interesting cocktails
4.00 pm Wedding ceremony in Air, lots of tears and other traditional stuff
4.30 pm Taking of pictures whilst the Air people rearrange all the tables for the meal
5.00 pm A large but tasty scoff, followed by windbaggery (speeches, that is) and praising of qualities of bride and groom :-)
7.00 pm Clearing away of some tables for dancefloor
7.30 pm Funky disco and then a blues band (The Backscratchers)
12.00 pm Official end (of bar licence). There are lots of clubs and bars in the Gay Village nearby which are open late, for anyone who wants to carry on.